Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Blessings -Synposis/Treatment for Film/Series-


5 retired clergy members, 2 ministers, a rabbi, a Catholic priest and a nun, are “given” a rundown ranch to live in free of charge by the social services department of a medium sized town, provided they agree to live within and work within the community and amongst the flock in the very embodiment of day to day living that their flocks do/did.  In this day to day living, they all get ‘wake’ up calls in reality; often finding more things in common than their theological differences would have one believe and finding out that things for their flocks weren’t as easy or simple as they counseled them to believe they were.  Aside from living out their advancing years, they become community, social welfare activists and counselors a thousand times more than they ever were in their active ministries and discover countless things about themselves and each other that they never knew.


Reverend Jackson T. Adams.”Jack”…. A Methodist minister, approx. 65 yrs old, whose                                                                Daddy was an American History professor in college    He was widowed early in his marriage   
and threw himself into his work, never remarrying. 

Rabbi Sid Gershon………                  Was single for many years.  He and his lady love were kids when
they eloped and the parents had it annulled he too, never remarried.  He is about 60s-70s.       
Father Michael Fitzgerald    A retired parish priest, nearly made monsignor, but retired due to  health reasons; arthritis and asthma. He is mid 60s.  He was the last of  13 kids and born on a Friday the 13th.  

Reverend Leon Bolton  …. An African American Southern Baptist Minister in his fifties who retired due to disability, and based upon decision of his church board in favor of a younger and “healthier” minister.

Sister Margaret Connelly,    Sister Margaret, a retired principal and works as a part time hospital chaplain.  A bit cantankerous and crotchety with the gents, but with kids and visitors she is just
as sweet as honey.  She is 72 and “been around a sight longer than the rest” she likes to remind the gents.  She is very Irish in her temperament.

Bonnie Charles…… A social worker with City Allied Agency, who knows not only the clergy representatives and works with them but helped to bring them together as one, in one house.   

Raymond Healy          The director of City Allied Agency.  He too, works with the clergy  He left seminary, prior to ordination to marry,  He, with Bonnie not only brought the clergy folks together but keeps them     “busy” with assignments and tasks, from time to time.             

Yang Ho Quon           ----    Master Gardener, next door neighbor, mid 60s. (has dementia)
Lin Diem Quom          ----     wife of Yang, lifelong homemaker, early 60s.

Ernestine Quinn……sister of Fr. Mike. She is married with 5 kids and is always dropping by with some sort of food dish, as she thinks the men aren’t properly fed… despite the nun living there, which
she thinks is shameful.

Pilot Episode:  “The Grass is Always Greener”

The characters are introduced and get a “taste” for setting up housekeeping, which had previously been provided for by their respective flocks or religious associations.  They hassle with the utility companies because they don’t have “credit” established and have trouble establishing their worthiness.   This episode also brings in an additional resident, a retired Catholic nun.. who HAS a bit more of a grasp on the realities of this community than the ministers do. 

Episode 2:    Forgive and Forget

Rev. Adams is confronted with a friend from the past, who was in prison for absconding with church and televangelism funds and who erroneously tried to say that he was ‘in on it’ also.   Fr. Fitzgerald and his sister Ernestine, try to come to an understanding about his being all grown up and able to tend to himself and her need to mother him. 

Episode 3:   Strange Bedfellows

The Rabbi and Sister Margaret, upon discovering some graffiti on the fence, try to work with the neighborhood association in order to get a youth center started and give the kids something to do other than mischief.  Mrs. Quon wants them to add a senior center.

Episode 4:  Politics Schmolitics

A state assemblyman, is pro a lot of things.  Sr. Margaret and Fr. Fitzgerald try to work with him on a more tactful approach in his contradictory dealings and the faith which he claims to practice.    Sid and Jack, discover a connection from years back.. Jack’s dad was a liberator of a concentration camp in WW2, where Sid’s uncle and nephews were sent and it seems, Jack, in possession of his dad’s photo album, has pictures of said uncle and nephews that are heartbreaking but endearing as Sid never “met” them.

Episode 5:  A Season of Renewal

The clergy, as they prepare to celebrate their respective Winter holidays are met with a “clergyman” who needs a place to stay.. a moderate Muslim cleric, a mullah who has been erroneously aligned with extremists and who is being ‘investigated’.  He is cleared, but while he awaits being “cleared” they all use the time to jointly educate each other, share some tears and care.

Episode 6:  Sins of the Fathers

Fr. Fitzgerald tries to counsel a man in his 40s who was abused, by one of his former assistants, who has since been defrocked.  Fr. Fitzgerald had the priest reassigned, but did so thinking at the time, that it would help, not understanding, as many didn’t that the perpetrator could not be “cured”, despite treatment he went through.

Episode 7:  A Woman’s Place

Sister Margaret, in working with the youth center is confronted with those who say she is mistreated and shut out of life being a nun, when she should be granted full access.  She uses her ways and abilities to show how much she is not shut out of anything, but in turn gives and brings peace of Heaven in her own way… consecrating and blessing through charity and mercy.